itmatters Why Foundation

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The core mission of itmatters  Why Foundation is to identify, prioritize and lead the development and deployment of advanced technologies and processes aimed at mitigating locally some of the direct and indirect impacts of climate change.

This is done through program investment, operational support and externally received grants and commissions.

The supported projects shall be sustainable in the long term considering the technological, medical, ethical, environmental and political aspects, support equality and welfare and have long term economical soundness.

Thus, we have a focus in our Retail market environment (Textile pollution, chemicals research for greener products,360°agile circular project, worldwide labor conditions, Carbon footprint reduction, wildlife re-population program including educational ESG program in collaboration with schools and dedicated educational organizations).

In addition, the itmatters Why Foundation is designed as open source to be used by all private companies sharing the willingness to engage through their own ecosystem in the itmatters Why Foundation program via an API.Itmatters is no longer just another foundation among others but a Foundation shared and used by all…

The circular economy tackles the root causes of some of the world’s biggest challenges, from climate change to biodiversity loss, pollution and waste. It offers opportunities for better growth, through an economic model that is resilient, distributed, diverse and inclusive.

Our environment needs protection as our global population continue to rise. 

Water resources are becoming more important than ever due to climate change and increased demand. 

We  do need your help, because  it matters !

 So please go to our contact form and express your support capabilities.